Travel Workouts Week 15- TRX and Kettlebells in Nosara

Ever since the Around the World Running Blog Relay began, I have been running like crazy. It’s been great motivation, but, as a result, my strength training routine has fallen by the wayside.

When I read about the TRX and Kettlebell class at the Wellness Centre in Guiones, I knew I would have to try it out.

P1030131As some of you may have read, I rocked a TRX class back in Tamarindo and loved it. The thought of adding kettlebells to the mix sounded amazing. It’s funny how having the opportunity to add actual weight to your routine is such a treat when you are travelling!

I arrived at my first class and was instantly delighted by the temperature of the room. It had been a HOT one in Nosara that week, and although the room didn’t have a/c, it was in the basement of the wellness centre and was nice and cool. I find sometimes classes with a/c can get too cold and aren’t ideal for working out, this room was great.

Our class was taught by Tinis, a gorgeous Tica surf instructor who really knows her stuff. The more classes I attended with Tinis, the more I came to really appreciate her teaching style. Technique is super important when working with TRX and Kettlebells, and she spent ample time making sure everyone in the class was rocking it. No matter whether it was your first time, or your fiftieth time, she had her eyes out to make sure no one hurt themselves. I was also amazed at how she could tailor the class to suit everyone’s goals and levels. She could balance teaching a new student the technique for kettlebell, while guiding others through a TRX routine, all the while, motivating all of us to push ourselves to get the most bang for our buck.


Tinis teaches Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2pm. There is another class at 12:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays taught by someone else. Drop in is $10 for visitors and $5 for locals. Ten bucks is an awesome deal for this type of class, as you are guaranteed to get your money’s worth. 

I try and get most of my workouts done early in the morning or later in the afternoon when it isn’t as hot out. For those who are looking for a mid-day workout, this class is truly ideal. Doing a cardio class mid-day is not only exhausting, but  the intense heat here in Costa Rica could make it potentially dangerous. Tinis’ class is the perfect way to get in a great workout that is focused on getting stronger, feeling the burn, but without over exerting yourself.

So, if you are in the Nosara area, check out the TRX and Kettlebell class at the Wellness Centre. Tell them I sent you!

Want to learn more about TRX? Check out this article that Tinis is featured in!

Check out more recaps of my travel workouts here!

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter:@caketress

Travel Workouts Week 14- 5 Smartphone Apps for Travel Fitness

Well my friends, it happened!

I’m officially a member of the Travel Fashion Girl Team!

Starting this month, I will be writing a monthly series on Travel Fitness for this fabulous website.

Travel Fashion Girl is a one stop shop for everything a gal needs to know about travel. They cover everything from beauty, accessories and fashion to packing, destinations, and now fitness!

So, without further ado, I wanted to share my first article:.


5 Smartphone Apps for Travel Fitness.

As with all my posts, If you like this article please share it on Twitter or Facebook. It really makes a difference!

What is your favourite part of the Travel Fashion Girl website?

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter:@caketress

Travel Workouts Week 12/13- Around the World Running Blog Relay

Sometimes you just need a good kick in the pants to get you through the home stretch.

With 7 weeks to go on this adventure, I find my motivation to work out dwindling a little. There are things to see, pool time to be had, and frankly, most mornings I would rather sleep in then get up and rock a workout.

That is, until I happened upon the Around the world Running Blog Relay 2014 over at Kyla’s Motivation blog


Kyla, aka Drill Sargent Beattie, lives in my hometown of Victoria, B.C. I actually discovered her blog before I left Canada after reading a post of hers about a local obstacle race. It turned out that not only had we completed the same event, but we were in the same heat, and likely raced right next to each other. We didn’t even realize it until finding each other online. I love blogging for that kind of stuff!

Anyways, as of March 2nd, Kyla launched the Around the World Running Blog Relay. As it stands, 38 bloggers from all over the world have signed up to run as much as they can from March 2nd until April 30th. The goal is to see how far across the world we can make it!

My friend Shannon over at The Birthday Dinner, convinced me to sign up for a Half Marathon, 3 weeks after I get back. Unless I want her to have to drag me across the finish line, I know I’m going to have to stay the course.

Kyla’s blogging relay is exactly the motivation I need to keep up my mileage up for the remainder of the trip. So thanks Kyla, this is such a great thing to do, and I’m so excited to be a part of it.

For those of you who are wondering, I have pledged 100km and as of this morning I have 94km to go.

Better get running!

What motivates you to workout? Competition, goal setting, friends?

Pura Vida


Follow me on Twitter: @caketress

Travel Workouts Week 10/11- My Travel Fitness Must Haves

Staying on track with my workouts during this adventure has been easier then I expected. Most mornings I get up early, and get a quick and dirty workout in before starting my day.

This process is a lot easier thanks to a couple essential fitness items that I packed with me. So without further ado, here are my travel fitness must haves.

My brightly coloured ladies!

My brightly coloured ladies!

Two Pairs of Runners: I’ll be honest, I remember feeling a little high maintenance when I put these two pairs of shoes inside my backpack. Would I really need two pairs of runners to work out in?

The answer…yes.

Having already committed to a couple Half Marathons when I return, I knew I would have to log some serious miles here in Costa Rica in order to keep up my endurance. Running shoes are extremely important for long distance runners, and before leaving I had just broken in these saucy hot pink Asics. I knew if I was going to be running long distances, these babies were coming with me.

I also knew that I wouldn’t solely be relying on running for my fitness adventures. I knew I would be doing a lot of cross training in my room. My asics just weren’t flexible enough for all the jumping, burpeeing and all around flailing that I planned on doing. It’s also important to save your “running” shoes for running only, as they tend to wear our fast. So I brought along my Vibrams. These shoes are super compact, and are great for my hotel room workouts. I’ve also worn them on a whole bunch of hikes, and on the plane!

Call me high maintenance if you wish, but having two pairs of runners has been a huge help to my travel fitness regime.

SO glad I packed these!

SO glad I packed these!

Workout Bands: I wasn’t sure how much I would use workout bands, as I rarely use them at home. Well my friends, let me tell you, these things are pretty much a part of EVERY workout I do. You can do it all with these babies; Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Rows, Chest Press, Abs Crunches, and the list goes on!  Whenever we check into a new hostel I’m instantly on the look out for what things I can wrap my bands around! I was totally expecting to lose a lot of definition in my arms during this trip, but thanks to these bands, I’ve managed to keep up a pretty decent strength training routine.

My little bean makes me smile whenever I look at my phone

My little bean makes me smile whenever I look at my phone

iPhone: Although this magical piece of technology is good for blasting music and podcasts while you are working out, I have found so many amazing apps that have become essential for my routines. I am not going to go into to much detail because I think I’m going to do a whole post about them at a later date.But whether its tracking my steps and runs or timing my Tabata or Intervals, my iPhone always has role in my workouts.

And yes, my iphone cover photo makes makes me smile every single time I see it!

Lots of sweat on these pages!

Lots of sweat on these pages!

Workout Journal: Before I left I took an old journal from home and recorded a whole bunch of workout routines in it. Little did I know that this thing would become my workout bible.

Before each workout I take a glance through the ever growing list of workouts. I either choose an exisiting one, or create something new. I then use the book to keep track of my reps and sets as I go.

Not only does this book keep me organized, but it is a constant motivator to keep my workouts interesting and creative. No workouts plateaus here!

So there ya go!

You certainly don’t need much to workout effectively while travelling, but these couple items have definitely made my life easier!

What do you bring to help you workout while travelling?

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter:@caketress

Workouts Week 8/9- Travel Fashion Girl Fitness

I have often heard people say that having to do a border run every three months is like being forced to take a vacation.

There is truth to that statement.

I’m not sure if it was the fact that we were in a different country, or just the cheap beer, but our time in Panama felt like a vacation within our vacation. And you know what that means, working out, and eating healthy seem to be harder goals to obtain.

Luckily for me, I had some extra motivation on my side. For the past few weeks I’ve collaborating with the fabulous folks over at Travel Fashion Girl on some fitness related material.

Travel Fashion Girl is an amazing resource for ladies who love to travel, but are also interested in beauty, hair, make up, accessories etc…Sound like someone you know? Their site is amazing, and I highly suggest you check them out.

I’m so excited to share with you my very first Travel Fashion Girl article 3 Quick and Efficient Hotel Room Workouts


Writing this article allowed me to focus in on my workouts, test out which ones truly were my favourites, and make the necessary adjustments to make sure they were perfect. This totally helped me stay on track during our week of Panamanian “vacation”

So check out the article here. If you like what you see, please share it. Maybe I’ll end up writing more of them in the future!

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter: @caketress

Follow Travel Fashion Girl on Twitter: @TravlFashnGirl

Travel Workouts Week 7- Montezuma Yoga

NB: I was invited by Montezuma Yoga to attend this class as a guest, and review it on the blog, yet all opinions enclosed are my own.

In Costa Rica, Yoga studios are like Starbucks, there is one on every corner.

That is why I find it amazing that it took me over 6 weeks to finally try one.

P1010851I had the pleasure of being invited to attend Montezuma Yoga’s special Sunday night, candlelight yoga session with live music. I felt especially lucky as this class only occurs every two weeks. It was simply meant to be.

Montezuma Yoga is nestled amongst the jungle in the back of the Los Mangos hotel. It is about a 2 minute walk from the waterfall, which makes it both a great place to practice, and stay. The yoga space is located on the uppermost portion of the property, overlooking the pool, and ocean.

Montezuma Yoga is a one stop shop for all your yoga needs. They offer public, and private

The yoga studio

The yoga studio

classes, as well as a multitude of retreats. Whether you are looking to drop into a one class, take a week of yoga classes, or immerse yourself in a combination of yoga, surf, and Spanish, Montezuma Yoga can meet all your needs.

The candlelight yoga class I attended was taught by Dagmar Spremberg, the founder of the yoga institute. Originally from Germany, Dagmar has been teaching yoga with Los Mangos since 2001.

Setting up the studio

Setting up the studio

The class itself was beyond memorable. The class began at 6, just as the sun was setting. The studio is wooden, circular room, with an open concept. As the sun set, the only light came from long tapered candles held in vases of sand, and coloured paper lanterns strung above the ceiling. As I laid in Shavasna waiting for the class to start my senses were overwhelmed. The sound of the waves crashing blended perfectly with the crickets chirping. The small of candles burning contrasted with the Ylang Ylang trees outside. The breeze from the ocean flowed through the studio, washing away the heat of the day. It entire moment was hypnotic.

The class began, and Dagmar introduced the instrument that would be played throughout our practice, a Hang. I’ve thought a lot about how I would put this instrument into words, and the best I can do is, it is shaped like a metal UFO, and sounds like a combination of a metallic xylophone, and a harp. It was beautiful.

The class was wonderful. Dagmar provided clear, and thoughtful instruction, and balanced

My last photo before I settled in to my practice.

My last photo before I settled in to my practice.

the needs of both the beginers, and the advanced. The class had more flow sequences then Yoga I have taken back home, which was a nice change. I worked out muscles that I hadn’t used in quite a while, and was actually sore the next day. Likely a combination of being out of practice, and lugging a backpack around for 6 weeks.

Throughout the practice, Dagmar asked us to take the practice slow, and soft. It is taking moments to be soft, that allows us to grow stronger. A sentiment that I loved, and has resentated with me.

If you are in Montezuma I would highly suggest seeking out Montezuma Yoga’s Candlight Yoga with Live Music. It is a once in a life time experience. Even if you are in Santa Teresa/Mal Pais, you can easily make it there.

What do you think about the sentiment “you need moments to be soft to help you grow stronger?”

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter: @caketress

The Christmas Slump- Travel Workouts Week 4

Turns out, even in another country, working out through Christmas is a challenge!

I feel like my Christmas season didn’t really start until December 22, the night before my family arrived. So I had the luxury of being able to avoid an entire month of shortbread, nog, and all other goodies that come along with the season. I was actually feeling pretty healthy coming into this week.

Since we were back in Tamarindo, I decided to make full use of their gym facilities. Gym’s are few and far between in Costa Rica, so I wanted to take advantage of it while I had the chance. The first morning at the gym I bought I week long pass. I figured this would be another way to encourage me to workout everyday, as I wanted to get my money’s worth.

Once I got my pass all set up, I jumped on the treadmill, then the elliptical, then the spin bike. Uh-oh, old Kate habits kicking in. I didn’t have a workout plan, and was just doing mindless cardio to pass the time. I did a couple HIIT intervals to shake it up a bit, but after about 40 min stopped, and went to the weight area. I wanted to lift some heavy weights, and target muscle groups that I have difficulty reaching using just my workout bands.

But again…I had no plan…So after 15 min of a wimpy little circuit I left.

This pattern continued over the next two days. Steady state cardio, short little weight session, and done. Combine this with an over indulgence of Beer, Wine, Costa Rican Egg Nog, and tons of delicious food, and I was feeling not so good about myself.

On the fourth day, I woke up, feeling awful, and realized, I didn’t want a gym workout, I wanted to make one up for myself. For those of you who know me, this is a huge deal, as I used to love the gym! Those days are gone. I wrote myself up a Tabata style workout that incorporated my bands.  I was a sweaty, tired mess by the end, and felt the light at the end of the tunnel. The follow day I rocked some bootcamp style circuit training using the stairs of our condo. Again, feeling so much better about my progress.

After two days of more effective workouts, I’m feeling like I’m getting back on track.  We have guests until the 6th, so I know eating healthy will be a challenge, and the beverages will likely continue to flow, but in the meantime, at least I know I’ll be rocking some great early morning sweat sessions!

This experience is truly a testament to the amazing life skills picked up during my 30 day challenge with Wholly Fit. Even from afar, the continue to motivate me, and help me strive for greatness.


This was me right before I uploaded this blog…got up at 6:30am and rocked a 10km run. Thanks to Shaun who rolled out of bed to take this photo for me.

Miss you Wholly Fitters!

How did your workout regime pan out over Christmas? Did you fall of the wagon? Are you back on track?

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter: @caketress

Cardio Fit at Casa Zen- Workouts Week 3

Travel Fitness, how I love thee…

This week I was able to track down another awesome group fitness class here in Costa Rica.

After spending the first several days running my little heart out, I was ready for a little bit of a break in my exercise routine. I thought about doing a Yoga class, especially since there is a yoga studio on every corner. I ended up seeking out something that would get my heart rate up. So you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled across a Cardio Fit class at Casa Zen Guesthouse.

This pretty much sums up the mood of Casa Zen

This pretty much sums up the mood of Casa Zen

First off, this is a beautiful hostel with, funny enough, a very “zen” like vibe.It’s set back from the street, on a busy beach access road, but it feels private as its nestled in its own little jungle.

There are awesome hand painted signs scattered about their communal living spaces. Sayings like “there is no rush”, and “call your mom”, set the tone of the hostel.

Reception/Kitchen at Casa Zen

Reception/Kitchen at Casa Zen

I checked in at reception, paid my 5 dollars (score!), and waited patiently for Tico time to roll around. Sure enough, at 8:35 the instructor, and her students all rolled in.

The classroom

The classroom

We headed upstairs to the classroom. There is one main outdoor classroom used for all the classes offered at Casa Zen. It’s gorgeous. Everything is brightly coloured, and there are stained glass tiles that the sun shines through. It was such a great space.

The class started, and I was instantly caught up in the fabulous energy. The group was all Costa Rican women, who laughed the whole way through. The instructor walked us through several circuits. We did everything from kickboxing, and weights to old school aerobics. It certainly kept me on my toes! I went to two classes in the week and left each one feeling pumped, and full of energy. They were just what I needed to shake up my super chill week of reading, and relaxing.

The instructor only spoke Spanish, but it wasn’t a problem at all. Shaun always watches the sports in Spanish here. He says he can still understand what’s going on because he is so familiar with the content. Well apparently the same goes for me when it comes to group fitness instruction. I learnt so many new words just from listening to the class, but often found myself a beat behind everyone as I worked out the translation in my head.

Have you every tried to watch or listen to something you are really familiar with, but in a different language?

Pura Vida!


Follow me on Twitter:@caketress

TRX in Costa Rica- Travel Workouts Week 2

As a fitness fanatic, I always make it a point to research local gyms in the areas that I’m visiting.

Many months ago, I stumbled on the website for a personal trainer in Tamarindo named Nick Holt. I emailed him, asking about nearby gyms, and the services he provided. He responded instantly with all sorts of valuable information regarding the various gyms, drop in rates, and classes he taught. I was so excited, and had full intentions of connecting with him, then, in the whirlwind of travel prep, promptly forgot.

On the second day of my morning beach run routine, I noticed a beach bootcamp going on. I was instantly homesick for my Wholly Fit family back in Victoria, and began craving a little group fitness action. I looked up Nick’s email, and it turned out it was him teaching the class!

He has space available in his TRX class at a drop in rate of $15 bucks. After a week of beach runs and hostel workouts, It was an offer I couldn’t refuse.

So, on Tuesday night, I made the trek to the Tamarindo Gym. It’s a little ways out of town, so plan accordingly. It was about a 10 min walk from our hostel. That being said, Nick laughed at my punctual attendance. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to “Tico Time”.

The Tamarindo Gym

The Tamarindo Gym

I walked in the gym and felt right at home. As a former gym rat, the thought of having all this equipment available to me made my heart skip a beat. You can get a day pass for 5 dollars or a week for 20. Such an awesome deal considering back home you’re looking at about 20 bucks for one day!

The class was held in a small mirrored room attached to the gym. I stretched out as I waited for the other members to arrive.

TRX, all set up!

TRX, all set up!

Although I had used TRX before, I had never taken an entire class in it. From my experience, I was expecting a great strength workout, what I wasn’t expecting was the cardio blast I got as well.

Nick was a fabulous instructor, and created a circuit that included upper and lower body with short intense cardio bursts in between. I couldn’t believe when he said we would do abs, and then we were done. The class just flew by! I knew instantly that I would be coming back for his second class later that week.

There is something to be said for seeking out workout alternatives while travelling. Although I feel I am capable of creating my own workouts everyday, it is SO nice to just show up, and have someone tell you what to do.

If you are visiting the Tamarindo area, and are looking for ways to balance the beer consumption with awesome fitness instruction, I highly suggest Nick’s services. He offers a variety of classes, and training options, and also has a great newsletter and YouTube channel.

What are your experiences with local gyms while travelling? Have you ever taken fitness classes in other countries?

Pura Vida!

Follow me on twitter @caketress
Follow me on Facebook

Travel Workouts- Week 1

So the big question is, how does one create a workout routine, when living a lifestyle without a routine??

A thought provoking question indeed!

Coming off my Wholly Fit Challenge, my body was tiiiiiired. So I took two full rest days, and let me tell you, they were glorious! But, by Wednesday, I was itching to get back at it. Ok, actually that’s a lie. On Wednesday I had 5 naps, so working out wasn’t actually seeming all that appealing. But regardless, I tackled this simple workout (after my first nap of the day of course!)

ease in

I kept it arms, cause then it seemed easier, and I was more likely to get out of bed!

Big learning lesson the first day. No shoes, jump squats, tile floors, no good on Kate’s feet. I actually pulled something in my foot, that made it pretty challenging to get around for the rest of the day (and also required Shaun to lovingly but hesitantly rub my foot for the first time ever). I had planned to attempt a run the following day, but opted to create this workout for Thursday instead.

Let's Get Physical


Despite my injury, I wanted to pick up the pace a little bit (no surprise for those who know me). Wearing shoes made a huge difference! Fueled by thoughts of wearing a bikini for 5 mos, I finished this off with an attempt at 1000 ab exercises (pick 10 different ab moves and do them 100 times each) I got to 800 and decided I had had enough. Perhaps a goal to strive towards. By Friday my foot was feeling awesome, so I knew it was time for a run. I figured if I ate breakfast when Shaun went Surfing at 630, I could leave at 730, and it would still be cool enough for a run. It was!

First Costa Rican Beach Run

First Costa Rican Beach Run

The conditions were amazing, it was actually a little drizzly and super mild. The perfect running weather. I ran all along Tamarindo beach. The sand is nice and compact, so it makes for great running. When I got in, I had planned to do some legs, but hadn’t written anything down. After a couple of lame donkey kicks while beads of sweat fell all over my candy crush game I called it. Just more proof that writing down your workout before starting is always more effective! I had such a great time, that I thought I would do a repeat performance the next day.

Next Days Run


Well what a difference a day makes! I did the same routine, probably leaving the hostel around 7:45, but it was already hot hot hot. I sweated my through the same route, but ended it differently. I found this low concrete wall and did 100 step ups alternating legs and 100 wall push ups. I was spent after this, and cut the run short!

The following day Shaun was taking a day off from surf to nurse a sun burnt face, so we rocked a hotel room Centurion. He modified a couple moves, because although he loves me enough to workout in a tiny hostel with me…100 burpees is another story!

Later that day Shaun and I went on a 13km walk (kinda by accident) so needless to say the following morning I was pooped. I did this workout, but honestly my heart wasn’t in it.

1 hour circuit


So that brings us to today! Rest day this morning. I’m planning a 3km walk to the supercompro in hopes of finding oatmeal! I’ll keep you posted!!

How do you stay active while travelling? Should I keep doing these workout recaps?

Pura Vida!
